Supplementary Site Parameters. User Sync Tab
User Sync is an essential part of the proper campaign targeting. Having targeted to an appropriate audience, ad campaigns appear more profitable for buyers and bring more revenue for site owners. These days there are numerous of third-party companies that provide SSPs with user sync service. More info about native prebid.js user syncing process and about third-party user sync integration might be found here: and here about User ID Module:
HeadBidder gives an option to set everything up without js coding, using UI only. Steps and options provided below.
1. Use User Syncing - Enable/disable the user syncing feature.
2. Syncs Per Bidder - Number of registered syncs allowed per adapter. The default setting is 5. To allow all, set to 0.
3. Sync Delay (ms.) - Delay in milliseconds for syncing after the auction ends. The default setting is 3000.
4. Enable Override - Enable/disable publisher to trigger user syncs by calling pbjs.triggerUserSyncs(). Default setting is false.
5. Use 3rd Party ID Module - Enable/disable User ID module support.
5.1. User ID Module Provider – Once the User ID module is Enabled publisher can choose one of external user ID provider, the one the publisher work with.
5.2. “Use this code” button – this is the “default” integration code for the chosen provider. A publisher can click “Use this code” button so code appears in the 5.3 window. Or click the “Copy to the clipboard” button if you prefer editing it somewhere else.
5.3. Edit Module Parameters – here a Publisher edits integration parameters if needed. For example adds account ID etc.
5.4. “Copy to the clipboard” button – click it to copy default code into clipboard.