Supplementary Site Parameters. Conditional Ad Units Tab

Conditional Ad Units is the Prebid option that allows the browser sending bids to a more surgical set of bidders based on device size or other attributes the page code can create. It’s a part of responsive design approach, advanced settings are coming with following HBM platform updates. Advanced features are available with GAM integration at the moment only as "Size Mapping".

More information and use cases are available here:

1. Publisher creates a “Label” that describes a set of settings – min/max device screen size and list of ad unit sizes. Each label could be applied later on AdUnit or Bidder level. When settings match bid request will be sent or will not be sent out.

2. HBM UI offers three standard Labels that describe Desktop, Mobile and Tablet screen sizes and most often used ad sizes. Fourth button is an empty Label where Publisher creates its’ out Label setup. Each Label is editable.