The offer (plans and pricing options)

HeadBidder is the tool that helps to manage online ads on a web-site(s) using the prebid.js framework. We offer our customers an online user interface (UI) where anyone can add web-site(s), create ad-zone(s) and set up a list of prebid.js - compliant bidders (customers, ad inventory buyers).


We offer three tariff options:

  • the first one is always FREE. Quantity of bid requests over a month and the number of concurrent bidders are limited, main features and reporting are available;

  • second, the most popular option is the PRO. No limits in comparison to the previous option, some additional pro features are open for the user. Payments are made online using credit/debit cards by means of buying a package of “request” into internal balance.

  • the third is the ENTERPRISE option. The same is the pro but allows get a lower price for bidding service by accepting a commitment to prepay a certain monthly volume. Wire transfers, invoicing and "always-on" are available. The option is switching on after negotiation and a formal agreement signed.

More details are here: