Goals and features

HeadBidder, the Ultimate Middleware for your Header Bidding stack platform mainly is the tool that helps publishers, online advertising entrepreneurs and yield optimization professional teams managing online ads on their sites using prebid.js framework.

We aim to help our customers focusing on the core part of the business that brings money and use HeadBidder.net for mechanic work that can be automated.

Features are:

  • latest Prebid.js built, tested, ready and available in CDN (fast delivery);

  • latest Prebid.js is available for the custom build so you use a compact version that includes adapters which particular publisher use (lightning-fast delivery);

  • UI that helps to build and manage your wrapper online (no-need of programming skills, no-spend for third-party programmers);

  • the simple installation process, same as you add standard legacy ad tags (standard ad ops operations, current personnel may do everything);

  • built-in integration with Google Ad Manager, Smart Ad Server and Amazon Publisher Service (save time and adds flexibility into monetization strategy);

  • built-in Header Bidding reporting and analytics (user always knows revenue and auction details, much deeper than any SSP allows to know in billing report);

  • find other, more granular features in this manual.