Register account

Registration is fast, easy and straight-forward.

The form is located here:

Fill out the form by giving:

  • a fancy name of your account;

  • physical person/user name and email;

  • password.

The email id entered in the form should be confirmed by clicking the link URL. We are sending a confirmation email after the form is submitted.

The physical person/user name and email are required for further communication, email is also used as login into UI.

The PRO option is pre-selected at this stage and users are offered to test pro functions for two days free of charge. Switch to/from the FREE account is always available in the UI, the ENTERPRISE option might be requested in UI also or by contacting us here:

Please note, at this stage, we have no users' contact and billing information as well as do not ask for any payment or require entering credit card details. Users may do all these things later, once needed, inside the UI. Privacy regulation options, such as GDPR and CCPA, are supported inside the UI as well.