Add site, options and difference

Add site, options and difference

This is the first step in the site wrapper setup process. To better understand the technology we suggest reading the definitions provided by Prebid.org here: http://prebid.org/wrapper_code_of_conduct.html and what is Prebid in whole, here: http://prebid.org/overview/intro.html

HeadBidder provides you (the Publisher) with an option to create your own technology layer (the Wrapper) that facilitates bids from demand partners being passed into the technology that decides the final winning bid. You, the Publisher, create your Wrapper using UI, without knowing a JS programming as well as getting Prebid statistics afterward.

At the “Sites” section of the UI you could add 'Websites', the top-level in account hierarchy. If you have different versions of your website for mobile and desktop users, if you have a different set of Bidders for such versions, you may create different 'Websites' for mobile and desktop (i.e. my-site-desktop and my-site-mobile) or consider usage of the “Conditional Ad Units” option. Why.. to decrease the number of requests for each page load, to manage each version separately, to have separate stats for each item, for setup flexibility.

By clicking at the “Add new site” button you may start a Site creation dialogue. At first, you need to decide what type of prebid integration, what type of site, you’ll be creating. One type is not converted into another one afterward. Publishers may create several items called “Site” in the HBM UI for a single physically existing web site.

Available types are:

  • Stand-Alone wrapper. Auction is performed in users’ browser, winning bid is rendered immediately, passback code might be created for each ad unit.

  • Google Ad Manager integrated wrapper (Manual). Auction is performed in users’ browser, winning bid is sent to Google Ad Manager, Google should make a higher bid or show banner. Oder and Line Items are created by Publisher manually, the workflow provided further.

  • Google Ad Manager integrated wrapper (Google API). Auction is performed in users’ browser, winning bid is sent to Google Ad Manager, Google should make a higher bid or show banner. Oder and Line Items are created automatically, the workflow of how to add API link is provided further.

  • Smart Ad Server integrated wrapper (BETA, Manual integration). Auction is performed in users’ browser, winning bid is sent to Smart Ad Server, Smart Ad Server should make a higher bid or show banner. Oder and Line Items are created by Publisher manually, the workflow provided further.

August 2020 Update.

We have created a new workflow. Users required to choose the type of the “website“ by clicking a button: