Standalone site type

UI elements description while creating a stand-alone site type.

  1. Choose the site type. After the site is created site type could not be changed.

  2. Add a fancy name for your site. Applicable in HBM UI only, to find out proper item in your account.

  3. Site URL. Add a proper one. “Sites” with the same the URL are put together into a single set in the HBM UI. For faster access and management.

  4. Sites' IAB thematic category.

  5. Prebid auction timeout. This option could be edited later after the site is created.

  6. Set of extra site parameters, all are editable after the site is created:

  • Dynamic DIV ID (Infinite Scrolling) – when activated the wrapper will be created for a site with infinite scroll. Ad units get dynamic div id and Publisher needs to have programming knowledge, enough to write a proper js for a web page. Contact if needed.

  • Async Container Call. Wrapper code uses asynchronous mechanics for faster web page load.

  • Set The Publisher's Domain In The Pbjs.Config. Domain provided in field #3 will be inserted into Prebid config.

  • Refresh Ad Units On The "Resize Window" Event. Once viewport is changed (browser window resize or tablet orientation changed) ads are going to be refreshed in accordance with the Size Mapping, make sure to set up it properly. Size Mapping is the Google Ad Manager setup option.


7. There are four more tabs in the site parameters: “Optional”, “Bid Adjustments”, “Conditional Ad Units Settings” (applicable for Google Ad Manager integrations only) and “User Sync”.

Optional Parameters

  • AppNexus Prebid Server Account Settings. Some bidder adapters may work in server to server mode. To support them we offer exploiting the Prebid Server provided by AppNexus/Xandr. To work with S2S adapters you need to go to AppNexus Prebid Server website: and get a free account. Then, you should add your account ID into HBM UI and switch a particular bidder into S2S mode.

In order to support modern privacy standards dictated by GDPR and CCPA make sure to install CPM script on your website first and switch on the following options.

  • GDPR Consent Module Settings

  • US Privacy Consent Module Settings

More information on GDPR and CCPAyou may find here: and here:

Conditional Ad Units

This feature is useful for responsive ad designs. Scenarios and the feature basis well described here:

The feature is intended to call or not to call a particular ad unit and/or bidder depending on ad size and/or screen resolution. To do so HBM users may create a set of labels that further might be used in ad unit and bidder settings.