Google Ad Manager (GAM) integration, API mode

Google Ad Manager (GAM) integration, API mode

When publishers plan busting revenue from both Google and Prebid that is useful integrating prebid.js wrapper into GAM account. After doing that publisher getting firs auction in prebid on-site, then a winner is sent to GAM and taking part in Google auction where Google should bid higher to win the impression or show an ad.

Setup for such integration is quite complex and could be done in different ways. The third site creation option in the HBM UI is for the GAM API (automatic) integration mode. The process of creating the API access well described in the step by step manner in the next section of these docs.

In comparison to the previous chapter, there are some major differences which publishers should be aware of. Such as are:

a. In the “General” tab of “Create/Edit Site” dialog, there are additional fields to fill in - "Google Ad Manager Account API Access Settings".

  1. Google Ad Manager API Integration manual – Please read the Manual carefully and follow the instructions step by step. API access credentials are required to proceed further.

  2. Google Ad Manager Network Code - This is your Google Ad Manager Network ID which you may take from the URL or GAM tag. Example: https://admanager.google.com/1001111, so your Network Code is


  3. Google Ad Manager Advertiser Name - Please create new Advertiser in your Google Ad Manager account (ex. HeadBidder) and paste its' name here.

  4. Upload Google Ad Manager API access .json –After the Google API access is created you’ll have an email ID and .json file. The .json file, as the access key, should be used at this step. HBM will be able to access your GAM account while you keep access to this user in your GAM account.

  5. Google Ad Manager Invocation Code - if you have ad units already defined for Prebid setup you may take a full GAM tag and put it into this field. By seeing them HBM is able to create ad units while you are adding a new site.


  • do not use the SRA option since it is useless with HBM, each ad unit performs its own auction.

After you clicked SUBMIT and HBM UI is finished creating GAM Order please go to your Google Ad Manager account and check newly created Order settings, its correctness, manually amend settings if needed and approve the Order to give a start. HBM does not push new Order live for safety reasons.

In case you see that errors are critical or you decide to change the whole setup you need to delete all the items related to the order in Google Ad Manager and HeadBidder and then create a new site in this console. Edits are allowed later as well.


do not change the Order name in the GAM account. Otherwise, API won't be able to change anything.


August 2020 Update.

We have created a new workflow, created the "GAM Links" and "GAM Orders" features. Users don’t need adding GAM API details each time when creating a new site, just point an appropriate GAM API Link or GAM API Order in the drop-down menu.
Users may pre-create an "Order" and "Link" in the "Tools" menu. The legacy way is still available.
In the "Site" creation dialogue user may find now a new tab "GAM API" that has a new link to the pre-created "Order" and "Link" and, a bit below, all the legacy fields. A new way is highlighted in yellow.



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