Ad Units

Ad Units

When you’ve created “Site” in your account you need to add “Ad Units” or “Ad Zones” - the entity in the site hierarchy that represents physical space on the actual website, the place where an ad should appear. 

Under each “Site” a publisher can create one or several “Ad Units”. Ad units have own name, main size and a list of ad sizes that may be delivered within this ad unit. Ad units may have or may not have a connection with GAM ad units depending on site type. From the HTML code point of view, ad units are represented by a DIV that should be added into HTML page source code by the site owner. Each ad unit may be activated or de-activated in the wrapper, there is a switcher in UI. Publishers may add, remove ad units or edit parameters. 

1. Domain name. Under it, a publisher may create several “sites”.

2. Site name. Under it, a publisher creates ad units or edit site parameters.

3. This is a menu with options available for the “Site” entity.

4. The list of "Ad Units" or "Ad Zones" created for this "Site".

5. Menu option - Add New Ad Unit.

6. This is a menu with options available for the “Ad Unit” entity and the Activate/Pause switch.

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