Edit Ad Unit. Lazy Loading Option Tab.
Lazy Loading and Auto Refresh options are available for each Ad Unit within the HeadBidder platform. Parameters are:
1. Lazy Loading Activity Status – Enable/Disable the option.
2. Lazy Load Offset (px.) - Add a number of pixels that left between browser fold and the ad space while a user is scrolling when an auction should start.
3 .Auto Refresh Activity Status - Enable/Disable the option.
4. Auto Refresh Timeout (s.) - Time in seconds between refreshes. The minimum is 30 seconds.
5. Limit Number Of Auto Refreshes Per Pageview - When zero or empty, the ad spot refreshes constantly. Note: A site may be penalized by Google. A suggested value is ten or less.
Successful use case - Lazy Loading and Auto Refresh are enabled for an Ad Unit, the maximum number of refreshes is 3. In such a case Ad Unit will start auction only when it is viewable and will perform a maximum 3 refreshes when it is still viewable.