Edit Ad Unit. Lazy Loading Option Tab.

Edit Ad Unit. Lazy Loading Option Tab.

Lazy Loading and Auto Refresh options are available for each Ad Unit within the HeadBidder platform. Parameters are:

1. Lazy Loading Activity Status – Enable/Disable the option.

2. Lazy Load Offset (px.) - Add a number of pixels that left between browser fold and the ad space while a user is scrolling when an auction should start. 

3 .Auto Refresh Activity Status - Enable/Disable the option.

4. Auto Refresh Timeout (s.) - Time in seconds between refreshes. The minimum is 30 seconds. 

5. Limit Number Of Auto Refreshes Per Pageview - When zero or empty, the ad spot refreshes constantly. Note: A site may be penalized by Google. A suggested value is ten or less.

Successful use case - Lazy Loading and Auto Refresh are enabled for an Ad Unit, the maximum number of refreshes is 3. In such a case Ad Unit will start auction only when it is viewable and will perform a maximum 3 refreshes when it is still viewable. 

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