Google Ad Manager (GAM) integration, manual mode

Google Ad Manager (GAM) integration, manual mode

When publishers plan busting revenue from both Google and Prebid that is useful integrating prebid.js wrapper into Google Ad Manager (GAM, previously DFP) account. After doing that publisher getting firs auction in prebid on-site, then a winner is sent to GAM and taking part in Google auction where Google should bid higher to win the impression or show an ad.

Setup for such integration is quite complex and could be done in different ways. The first option is for tech-savvy publishers who know well how to integrate different platforms.

In the HBM UI, site creation option 2 is for the GAM manual integration mode. The process of creating the Order and Line Items well described here: http://prebid.org/adops/step-by-step.html or alternatively you may use our step by step guide in the next docs section.

In comparison to the previous chapter, to stand-alone site type, there are some major differences which publishers should be aware of. Such as are:

a. In the “General” tab of “Create/Edit Site” dialog, there are additional fields to fill in - "Google Ad Manager Account Currency and Granularity Settings" and "Google Ad Manager Account Ad Units Settings".

  1. Currency - Select your Google Ad Manager account currency. If needed, the conversion is made automatically by the Headbidder platform.

  2. Granularity Multiplier - US Dollar is default currency in HBM, reporting and billing is made in USD. The majority of bidders work with USD. Once your account is different from USD you'll see this field and may choose a multiplier value or leave the value offered by the platform as is. We suggest leaving as is because the platform uses the closest round value that suits for hb_pb keys and Line Items CPMs in Google Ad Manager (GAM).

  3. Price Granularity and HB PB Values - you may choose Price Granularity from standard options or create your own. Once done, click "Show" and use the list of hb_pb values to create the Order and Line Items in your GAM account. Here you'll find additional info about Price Granularity - http://prebid.org/prebid-mobile/adops-price-granularity.html

  4. Google Ad Manager Invocation Code - if you have ad units already defined for Prebid setup you may take a full GAM tag and put it into this field. By seeing them HBM is able to create ad units while you are adding a new site.

  5. Google Ad Manager Line Item creation manual - step-by-step manual describing how to add Order, Line Items and Creatives in Google Ad Manager UI.


  • do not use the SRA option since it is useless with HBM, each ad unit performs its own auction.

b. In the “Optional” tab of “Create/Edit Site” dialog, there are additional switches and options - "Additional Google Ad Manager Settings" and “Custom URL Announcement Into GPT”.

  1. Use page_url Override Module - this option adds googletag.pubads().set(page_url, value) instruction into GPT call. More about the option is available in Google blog https://developers.google.com

  2. Send All Bids Option - HBM will send not only winning bid into GAM server, useful if a publisher wants to have stats on all bids in GAM account. More Info here - http://prebid.org/dev-docs/publisher-api-reference.html#setConfig-Send-All-Bids

  3. Google Ads Personalization (Trough Quantcast CMP) - Enables asking visitors to provide consent for Google products.

Quantcast Choice CMP (v14 and up) is required.

More info here - https://help.quantcast.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019833693-Quantcast-Choice-support-for-Google-

or in Google blog - https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/7678538

August 2020 Update.

We have created a new workflow. Users may pre-create an "Order " in the "Tools" menu. It will work like a draft for real order creation and will be in use only once. The legacy way is still available.
In the "Site" creation dialogue user may find now a new tab "GAM" that has a new link to the pre-created "Order" and, a bit below, all the legacy fields for a manual creation stile. A new way is highlighted in yellow.


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